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You are viewing Cheat Codes for Samurai Shodown 4 Special System : Playstation Date Added : 2005-10-03 09:12:55 Views : 25263 Practice against Dark (Aku) Amakusa Enter practice mode and select Amakusa as your CPU opponent. Fight as Cham Cham and Minazuki Zankuro Wait until the title screen appears, then select V.s. mode. Cham Cham and Zankuro's face icon will appear directly below Amakusa. Fight against Dark Basara Kubikiri Defeat Zankuro in story mode (game start) with Gaira Kafuin. Genjuro will appear when Zankuro is defeated. Haohmaru as the final end Boss Defeat Zankuro in story mode (game start) with either Genjuro or Charlotte. Haohmaru will appear as the end Boss. Hanzo Hattori as the final end Boss Defeat Zankuro in story mode (game start) with either Jubei or Amakusa. Hanzo Hattori will appear as the end Boss. Tam Tam: Hilarious win pose Select Tam Tam with his attack power at "Bust" and choose him by pressing [X]. Then, defeat your opponent. Tam Tam will now remove the thing on his shoulders, cross his arms over his chest, and shiver. Alternate costumes Highlight any character in any mode and press [X] while selecting them. Genjuro as the final end Boss Defeat Zankuro in story mode (game start) with either Haohmaru, Nakoruru, or Rimururu. Genjuro will appear as the end Boss. Not enough codes for you? Search for more cheats at cheat codes club. Or simply Click here to find more Samurai Shodown 4 Special cheat codes.
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